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Psychological Adjustment Textbook: PSYC 2101

This is the complete PSYC 2101: Psychological Adjustment textbook created by Dr. Tori Kearns and Professor Deborah Lee for Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grants, round 9.

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Created by:

  Dr. Tori Kearns​​​
​  Professor Debra Lee​​​


Affordable Learning Georgia, Textbook Transformation Grant


Affordable Learning Georgia logo

The creation of this online, free textbook was funded by an Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) Textbook Transformation Grant, Round 9. 

"The State of Georgia’s budget includes funding to support a USG initiative, Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG), which focuses on reducing the costs of textbooks and the enhancement of GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library and ALG’s parent initiative. A key strategy is to provide grant-supported opportunities for USG faculty, libraries, and institutions to transform their use of textbooks and other learning materials into lower cost options. The Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grants are intended to:

  1. Pilot different approaches in USG courses for textbook transformation including adoption, adaptation, and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) and/or identification and adoption of materials already available in GALILEO and USG libraries.
  2. Provide support to faculty, libraries, and their institutions to implement these approaches.
  3. Lower the cost of college for students and contribute to their retention, progression, and graduation."
