Online Readings
Crash Course Video & Quiz*
Upon successful completion of this lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Compare and contrast the decline of absolutism (absolute monarchy) and the rise of enlightened absolutism in France, Russia, and England during the 17th and 18th centuries. Be sure to explain the reasons and results for this shift in politics in each geographic area.
2. Discuss the rise of Napoleon to power at the end of the French Revolution, his impact on French politics, and his downfall from power. Give examples from the PowerPoint to support your answer.
3. Does there tend to be a cycle of absolutism to enlightened absolutism to imperialism/colonialism and then revolution? Decide for yourself, and then provide at least three examples of nations that did or did not follow this pattern, as discussed in the PowerPoint.
The following websites may be useful to you in finding terms, studying for exams, and expanding your knowledge of this lesson's content.
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